Nonsurgical Facial Balancing in Portland: What Is It and What's All the Hype About?

In the world of aesthetic medicine, the quest for facial harmony and symmetry is ever-evolving. One of the latest trends that has garnered significant attention in Portland and beyond is nonsurgical facial balancing. But what exactly is it, and why is it becoming so popular?

What is Non-Surgical Facial Profile Balancing?

Nonsurgical facial profile balancing is an innovative approach to reshaping, rejuvenating, lifting, and balancing the face without the need for invasive surgery. It involves altering the proportion of individual features using dermal fillers to achieve better facial symmetry, proportions, and balance. The treatment considers the proportions of the forehead, nose, lips, chin, jawline, and cheeks.

Benefits of Nonsurgical Facial Balancing

  1. Immediate Results: Unlike surgical procedures, results are visible almost immediately after the treatment.

  2. Minimal Downtime: The procedure can be completed within 30 minutes without any significant downtime.

  3. Customizable: The treatment can be tailored to address specific concerns like a weak jawline, back-set chin, hollow cheeks, or thin lips.

  4. Safe and Effective: When performed by a skilled practitioner, the risks are minimal, and the results can be stunning.

Longevity of Results

The longevity of results depends on the type of fillers used. On average, results last for a little over a year before a repeat treatment is required. However, with regular maintenance and follow-up sessions, the effects can be prolonged.


  • What does facial balancing do? Facial balancing enhances facial symmetry and proportions using dermal fillers.

  • How long does facial balancing last? On average, results last for a little over a year.

  • What are the benefits of non-surgical face rejuvenation? Immediate results, minimal downtime, and a customizable approach are some of the benefits.

  • What happens in a non-surgical facelift? Dermal fillers are administered in target areas to achieve desired results, enhancing facial harmony.

Nonsurgical facial balancing in Portland offers a revolutionary approach to achieving facial harmony without the need for surgery. By understanding the procedure and its benefits, one can make an informed decision about whether it's the right choice for them.

-Dr. Aaron Gilson
Gilson Plastic Surgery
Portland, Oregon


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