Your aesthetic journey starts


Transform expectations

Dr. Gilson's commitment to delivering exceptional results is matched only by his genuine care for the well-being and satisfaction of each patient. At Gilson Plastic Surgery, you can trust that your transformative experience will be elevated to new heights, guided by an unwavering dedication to personalized excellence.

First steps


What are you looking for?

A few questions over the phone will help us align your goals with possible treatments and secure an appointment to discuss these further. This is your journey, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.



This is an opportunity for you to talk about your aesthetic goals, what you hope to achieve through surgery, and any concerns you may have. This conversation sets the stage for an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and desires.



Together we will come up with a treatment plan to best achieve your goals. While surgical treatments can offer long-lasting and dramatic transformations, non-surgical treatments can provide a less invasive alternative with minimal downtime, catering to a range of aesthetic goals and personal preferences. We’ll work together to find a treatment plan that aligns best with your wishes and desires.

"Dr. Gilson listened to exactly the look I wanted (in my case, “very natural, just enhanced”) and really has an eye for aesthetics. Will be back soon!"



Am I a good candidate for this procedure?

Determining whether you're a good candidate for a specific plastic surgery procedure depends on a variety of factors. These include your overall health status, medical history, lifestyle habits, and the specific goals you want to achieve with the surgery. Here are some general criteria that might make you a good candidate:

  • Physical Health: You should be in good general health. Certain conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or a compromised immune system may complicate surgery and recovery.

  • Non-Smoker: Smoking can impede the healing process, so non-smokers or those willing to quit before and during the recovery period are typically better candidates.

  • Realistic Expectations: You should have a clear understanding of what the procedure can accomplish and realistic expectations for the outcome.

  • Mental Health: Good candidates are typically those who are undergoing the procedure for themselves, not to fulfill someone else's desires or in response to outside pressures.

  • Lifestyle: Depending on the procedure, you might need to be willing to maintain a stable weight and lead a healthy lifestyle to maintain the results.

However, this is a general guide, and the best way to know for sure if you're a good candidate for a particular procedure is through a consultation with a plastic surgeon. We will discuss all these factors and more in the context of the specific procedure you're interested in.

Will I have scars, and if so, how noticeable will they be?

Scarring is a natural part of the healing process after surgery, and all surgical procedures will result in some form of a scar. However, the visibility and size of the scar depends on several factors:

  • Procedure Type: Some procedures require larger incisions than others. For instance, a tummy tuck will typically result in a larger scar than eyelid surgery.

  • Technique: A skilled plastic surgeon employs techniques to place incisions in less noticeable areas and minimize their size.

  • Your Body's Healing Process: Each person's body heals differently. Some people may develop more noticeable scars due to their genetics or skin color.

  • Post-Operative Care: Following your surgeon's post-operative care instructions can influence your scar's appearance. This may include avoiding sun exposure, not smoking, and possibly using topical treatments or silicone sheets.

  • Time: Scars typically fade over time and can become less noticeable after a year or two.

During your consultation, we'll discuss the expected scarring for your specific procedure and provide tips for minimizing their appearance. While some degree of scarring is inevitable with surgical procedures, our goal is to ensure they are as discreet and aesthetically pleasing as possible.

How long before I can return to my regular routine or work?

The time it takes for you to return to your regular routine or work after a plastic surgery procedure can vary greatly depending on the type of procedure performed and your personal rate of recovery.

For non-surgical cosmetic procedures like Botox or dermal fillers, you can usually return to work and your normal activities immediately.

For more invasive procedures, here are some general timelines:

  • Breast Augmentation: Most patients can return to work within a week, but should avoid strenuous activities for at least 4-6 weeks.

  • Rhinoplasty (Nose Job): You'll likely need 1-2 weeks off work. It may take up to three weeks before you're ready to return to social activities without noticeable signs of surgery.

  • Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck): This requires a more extended recovery period, usually about 2-3 weeks off work. Full recovery can take several weeks to a few months.

Please note, these are general estimates and individual recovery times can vary. We will discuss your individual recovery time. It's important not to rush your recovery – giving your body the time it needs to heal will ensure the best possible results from your surgery.

Start your journey.