Lip Lift in Portland

Embracing A Radiant Smile: Surgical Lip Lift

We understand the importance of feeling confident and expressing your unique beauty. If you're considering a surgical lip lift, we're here to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision. This document will guide you through the key aspects of the procedure, ensuring you feel empowered on your journey to a more youthful and alluring smile.

Who is a good candidate?

Candidates for a surgical lip lift typically include individuals who are bothered by a long upper lip or lack of lip visibility when smiling. Ideal candidates are in good overall health, have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure, and are non-smokers. It is important to discuss your specific circumstances with our team to determine if this approach is right for you.

What are the results?

The primary goal of a surgical lip lift is to enhance the appearance of the upper lip by shortening the distance between the lip and the base of the nose. The procedure aims to create a more balanced and youthful smile, with increased lip visibility and improved facial harmony. The intended result is a rejuvenated and naturally attractive lip contour that enhances your overall facial aesthetics.

What does the procedure involve?

During a surgical lip lift, a precise incision is made just beneath the base of the nose to remove a small amount of skin. This allows for the lifting and repositioning of the upper lip, resulting in a more lifted and defined appearance. The procedure is tailored to your individual needs, ensuring a natural and harmonious result that complements your facial features.

What is the recovery like?

Following the surgery, you will be given specific post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing and minimize discomfort. It is common to experience some swelling, bruising, and tightness in the treated area, which will gradually subside over time. Pain medication and cold compresses may be recommended to manage any discomfort. Most individuals can resume normal daily activities within a week, although strenuous exercise and excessive lip movement should be avoided during the initial healing phase.

What are the other options?

Depending on your concerns and goals, alternative options may be considered. Non-surgical lip augmentation techniques, such as dermal fillers or fat grafting, can be discussed to enhance lip volume and shape. These options may provide temporary results and can complement or serve as an alternative to a surgical lip lift. Your surgeon will evaluate your specific needs and recommend the most suitable approach.

What are the risks?

As with any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks involved with a surgical lip lift. These may include infection, bleeding, adverse scarring, asymmetry, changes in lip sensation, unfavorable healing, or the need for revision surgery. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you in detail during your consultation and take necessary precautions to minimize potential complications.

At our practice, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care, personalized attention, and the highest level of surgical expertise. We understand the significance of feeling confident in your own smile and are committed to supporting you on your journey to self-assurance.


  • The cost of a lip lift can vary, but it is generally considered a more affordable cosmetic procedure compared to more extensive facial surgeries. In Portland, the price can range depending on factors such as the surgeon's experience and the specific technique used. For a personalized estimate and to discuss financing options, I invite you to schedule a consultation at Gilson Plastic Surgery.

  • A lip lift is designed to provide long-lasting results. The longevity of the outcome can depend on individual factors such as genetics, aging, and lifestyle habits. Many patients enjoy the results of their lip lift for several years, with some experiencing permanent changes in the appearance of their upper lip. Regular follow-ups and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can contribute to the longevity of the results.

  • For many patients, an upper lip lift can be a worthwhile investment in enhancing their facial aesthetics. The procedure can create a more balanced and youthful appearance by reducing the distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose. It's essential for individuals to have realistic expectations and to discuss their aesthetic goals with a qualified plastic surgeon like myself, Dr. Aaron Gilson, to determine whether a lip lift is the right choice for them.